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projects Iinterdisciplinary (UBACYT)

Strategic Projects Managementof Research University of Buenos Aires

Project UBACYT (2014-2017):"Multidimensional study of Agrifood Systems in the countries of the Southern Cone (2001-2012). From the socioeconomic perspective to that of the Balance of Social Responsibility".


UBACYT project (2011-2014):"Evolution of the regional market for raw materials and food. Its impact on the socioeconomic development of the Mercosur countries. Analysis from the social, economic, and legal perspectives (1999-2009)" 


SECYT Strategic Area Projects (PAE) (2004-2010): Research networks with National Universities. National Coordinator of the project and Director of Research at the national level and of the particular project of the FCE / UBA “Argentina in the nineties: rise and decline of the neoliberal cycle. The loss of sovereignty of the national State and its effects: the new international alignment and the structural transformations of the economy and society

Projects  UBACYT (consolidated)

UBACYT Project (2018-2022) 

“Domestic changes (economic and political) in Argentina vis a vis world paradigm shifts: power actors, diplomacy, cycles and structural restrictions (1989-2016). Comprehensive study from International Political Economy and History”.

Director:Silvana Priscila Palacio.


UBACYT Project (2014-2017)

“The role of states in the face of the growth of the informal economy (lawful not declared) in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay: public policies and economic, social and environmental effects, between the first and second decades of the 21st century”._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Director:Silvana Priscila Palacio.

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